Sunday, October 9, 2011

Its Not What You Do...


..but HOW you do it that makes a difference.

In All People
Finding God in all things means finding God in all people. St. Alphonsus Rodriguez (1532-1617) was a Jesuit brother who for forty-six years served at the Jesuit college in Majorca. Spain, in the humble job of porter, or doorkeeper. Joseph Tylenda, S.J., writes in his book Jesuit Saints and Martyrs: "His duty was to receive the visitors who came to the college, search out the fathers or students who were wanted in the parlors, deliver messages, run errands, console the sick at heart who, having no one to turn to, came to him, give advice to the troubled, and distribute alms to the needy." St. Alphonsus was devoted to finding God in the present moment. "Lord, let me know you. And let me know myself," he would pray. Each time the bell rang, he looked at the door and envisioned that it was God himself who was standing outside seeking entrance. On his way, he would say, "I'm coming, Lord!"                                                   
                                  excerpted from The Jesuit Guide to "Almost" Everything by James Martin, S.J.

It is not what you do in life, it is how you approach what you do. A reminder I need everyday.


  1. What a beautiful reminder of who we are and what we should strive to be. :) Darby


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