Thursday, December 23, 2010

X is for

The French Needle

X is

for my Xtra special readers. You, faithful readers, are why I continue to do this. I hope all of you know how much I appreciate your visits, your comments and questions.

Christmas has reached high gear around here. All of the children have arrived home. :sigh: It warms a mother's heart. My husband is happy also. He loves to have all of his "peeps" around the table. My mother always said she slept better when everyone was under one roof, hers.

I amazingly have finished shopping, wrapping and cleaning. I plan to make some cookies this evening and start cooking dinner in the morning. Oh and I have to prepare linens and set the table. That is hard to do, because when everyone is home that table gets used a lot between now and Christmas dinner.

I hope you have finished the preparing part and have started the enjoying part of the holiday.
Until then... 

1 comment:

  1. Sigh....I slept awesome last night. Eight sleeping bodies in my house. In the words of Tiny Tim......God Bless us, everyone!


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